Saturday, May 15, 2010

Do you have a sweet tooth or savoury?

Gimme cheesecake, dammit!!!

Do you have a sweet tooth or savoury?
Just a curry tooth,,,,,if that`s possible
Reply:sweet for sure.....
Reply:savoury for me - scotch eggs - mmmm
Reply:i prefer a good old fashioned salt lick any day
Reply:curry tooth lol

Minced beef and onion pie..... ooooh I could just go for one now.
Reply:Savoury, pass me a pork pie please.
Reply:I have a very sweet tooth
Reply:Hot and savoury mmmmmmmmm
Reply:savoury every time mmmm hungry
Reply:Sweet for me.!!!

Reply:full set of sweet dentures pmsl
Reply:I have one of each. I also have a crisps tooth and a meat tooth.
Reply:i have a real SWEET tooth mmmmm i love chocolate.
Reply:savoury all the way!
Reply:Sweet :)
Reply:Sweet and sour babes x
Reply:sweet tooth and it's cheescake too.
Reply:I like Sweet and Sour tastes: Pickled herring, sourdough bread and Blackberries, that sort of thing. I like to keep my taste buds stimulated and too much predictable food depresses me after a while, so we need some sharp flavours to cut through all that.

Sam the man - put your shirt'll catch your death of cold!!
Reply:sweet lol
Reply:very very sweet
Reply:When I eat something savoury, I then crave something sweet...
Reply:Yeah I do.

One time,i ate Oreo Cookie Cream Pie for breakfast,Fruit Roll-Ups for lunch,Cheesecake for dinner,and birthday cake for my midnight snack.Talk about a major sweet tooth.

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