Thursday, November 12, 2009

How to I cut the "sweet tooth" cravings? I'm trying to cut calories. Need some guidance thanks :-)

I'm trying to cut calories, %26amp; I work out regularly. I need some advice on what I can do to cut my "Sweet Tooth" cravings. Any Suggestions?

How to I cut the "sweet tooth" cravings? I'm trying to cut calories. Need some guidance thanks :-)
hey hun....its easier said then done when told to let the cravings pass and every one needs to let loose once in a while to stay sane....fruit is a great option unless your looking for somethin' nutty or chocolaty and we all know you cant go and pick any kind of chocolate fruit off a vine or tree so protein bars are a great choice...they have some calories but they have less sugar then hard candy or candy bars and protein that healthy lean muscles need not to mention 23 vitamins and eat daisy
Reply:Hard candies. They are low in calories and big on taste. I do have a good tip...if you are craving something, have a little of it (Little being the key). Otherwise, you will just eat more and more of other things trying to satisfy this craving and eventually, you will eat it anyway.
Reply:carrot sticks sprinkled with nutrasweet or splenda
Reply:I would just stop. Eating like that actually sets off a chain reaction. The more sugar you eat..the more you crave. It will be hard at first, but will get easy to just not eat that stuff anymore. Eventually you won't even like the idea of eating it.
Reply:water. its a funny thing that dehydration often makes one believe that one is hungry, and often enough its hunger for sweet things. make sure you have a couple of extra glasses of water during the day.

fruit juices will also help, they have 'good' fruit sugars which should ease the cravings.
Reply:Apples, high fiber fruits, cuz they have low glycemic indecies
Reply:when you're craving something sweet, instead of reaching for candy and other sugar packed food stuffs, eat some fruit instead.
Reply:Self control. Your goal to cut calories can be stronger than your cravings. Drink 8 glasses of ice water every day.
Reply:Eliminate all sugar from your diet and in just a few days, you are not going to have those cravings. It works for me.

Have a protein bar instead of a candy bar.

Drink more water to keep your tummy full

Eat foods with almost no calories- some good ones are Apples, celery, any type of berries, or melon.

Reward yourself with hard candy or a tootsie roll pop once or twice per day
Reply:Fresh fruit. It has helped me with my sweet tooth! Good luck
Reply:G-O-O-D L-U-C-K! ! ! ! ! ! !

ok seriously though, the only way I EVER was sugceffull at this was, I eat ALOT of different fruits each day (along with my other normal meals), it turned my sweet tooth off (b/c I was getting natural sugar).

Now the only problem is I can't keep this up, b/c buying 5 different fresh organic fruits a day just kills my wallet!

It's TOO exspensive...

So I went back to eating my sweets...

till I can afford my answer again LOL!


Really eating fruits worked for me,

%26amp; I am a sucker for sugar, I'll eat it PURE I swear!!!

SUGAR freak here! That's me...
Reply:I'd recommend, if you haven't done so already, switching from regular sodas to diet sodas. This is because that, while they might taste bad at first, as your taste buds get used to diet drinks you may find (as I did) that sweet becomes suddenly TOO sweet, and your cravings for sweet foods will diminish, as did mine.

I don't know if this will work for you or not, but at the very least if you currently drink full sugar sodas it will significantly reduce your daily calorie intake.
Reply:Where calories are from is more important than number according to Harvard college website and new gov. food pyramid. Your sweet tooth is natural and is the best thing to help you lose weight and be healthy. Look at a baby. Does he want to eat cavier, filet mignon, grilled salmon, pizza with pepperoni, french fries, a burger, fried onions or poppers, taco, bread, pasta or something sweet?

It is mostly NOT your fault, if you need to lose weight. The way you have been taught to eat is responsible for making obesity the number one health problem in the world (according to Atlantic Monthly magazine) replacing hunger and infectious disease. You need to re-learn how to eat so you can become thin.

Find out about fastest way to lose weight, gradual ways to lose weight, most effective exercise and anti-water. Lose bodyfat and retained water which also makes you a lot fatter (bloated). Plus click on "Pure Water" to make sure the water you drink doesn't hurt you. Most important-- make sure to read the last "fat loss tip", first before anything else, to see the number one food that causes Americans to be fat.
Reply:hello now i can help you here with the sweet craving as i been through this before and much more severe than yourself,and i have studied a bit of nutrition. Now there are 3 supplements that will help you and there is 1 that will balance your blood sugar levels in the body.The 1 that balances the blood sugar levels so u get very little craving is called CHROMIUM PICLONATE with myself it was very effective,the next 1 is called BLACK COHOSH, its a very effective herb, now you can get a mixture of these 2 supplements in the same bottle all from the health food shop, they are reasonably priced for the great job they do.These 2 together are so powerful working the 3rd and last one is called GYMNEMA SYLVESTRE and this is an Indian herb and you get that from a good quality health food shop as well, You can buy that individually now as before in the past it was a specialist product.Gymnema is also very effective but it works in a much different way to the others, gymnema actually takes out completely the sweet substance from any sweet product your eating, so when you eat something sweet it might feel like cardboard, so without the sweet taste it can turn you off sweet foods/cravings.Anyway, i really hope all this will help you, please let me know how your getting on ,take very good care and all the best with working out and cutting calories as the chromium can help you a little bit there as well,
Reply:all cravings are subject to escaltion, the more you crave the more you crave, you have to turn that around and it is a slow process, takes a few weeks to cut down your body being used to choc and sugar, if you use two spoons of sugar start by using l and a half for the first week etc and just cut back very gradually, ditto with other sweeties, have one instead of two etc until none and you just can,t stand to have sugar in your coffee

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