Saturday, November 14, 2009

How to stop a sweet tooth?

I'm a vegetarian, martial artist, yoga, etc., but I still have a really hard time staying away from the sweet stuff. . .someone give me some advice to change my evil ways~ (and don't tell me to have a burger, smartass!)

How to stop a sweet tooth?
well, I read somewhere that if you completely cut out sweets (you can have fruits and stuff. but no candy, cakes, cookies, etc) for two weeks, the sweet tooth will go away. I actually read this in an issue of readers digest.. :-) Good luck!
Reply:Good luck!!!!!!!! :-D :-D Report It

Reply:pull it out
Reply:there are alot of alternatives that you can use that are sugar free in the supermarkets these days. weight watchers is one of them that you can purchase over the counter. this weight loss program might give you some suggestions too that is in this article
Reply:i wish i knew the answer to that... try eating a piece of fresh fruit instead of grabbing a candy bar, that might work
Reply:have a burger, lol, but seriously, you wanna know? ok! get it removed lol, then you wont have the sweet tooth
Reply:The way to curb a sweet tooth is just by not allowing yourself to eat sweets. It's hard at first, but after a while, you adjust.

I'm diabetic, and before I found out, I wanted to eat sweets all of the time, and I often did. I was also into the whole vegetarian thing.

Eat fruits, or sugar-free stuff. Eventually, you'll get used to it.
Reply:I'm vegetarian. There are lots of healthy alternatives to fix the sweet tooth. Your local health food store should have lots of vegan/vegetarian goodies like carob covered raisins, carob bars, fake fruit roll-ups. All made with honey and raw sugar.

And about the hamburger.. what does that even have to do with a sweeth tooth? Hamburgers aren't sweet?
Reply:tie a string to your tooth and to your door then slam it shut
Reply:A lot of times that indicates that we are lacking something in our diet.

I get that, but I find that taking required daily doses of Vitamin C helps. I also have a glass of fruit juice in the morning and I try to balance my meals out more.

Another thing you might try is to maybe drink more water. Sometimes we crave sweets when we are not getting enough fluids or sometimes our bodies make us think we are hungry when we are thirsty.

An occasional sweet is not sinful, but eating lots everyday is sinful ;)
Reply:You can still have snacks, just make sure they're healthy. Raisins are great for controlling urges. I mix plain, unsalted cashews with raisins, and I eat a cup for dessert. It really helps. You just have to modify what you eat. Plain yogurt mixed with fruit is good too. Every once in a while, you can indulge yourself, because if you don't you'll just end up bingeing on sweets. It's better to just give in sometimes!
Reply:Try eating low fat flavored yogurt, it comes in many flavors and is good for you, or have a "Whey protein milkshake" (Whey protein and milk).

If you must have candy, eat hard candy like "Jolly Ranchers". If you must have candy bars eat the "Protein bars for bodybuilders".

Also sugar free gum, and if you look i'm sure you can find alot of other sugar free snacks. Good Luck.
Reply:See how this site explains how a sweet tooth is what you need. Also encourages vegetarianism. I grew up since age 12 doing yoga and martial arts. Click on Prescription for Happiness for more on that.

This site encourages you to sit down with an empty stomach with a fruit salad. Not that crap with unsweet, unripe honeydew and cantalope. Make one with strawberries, blueberries, cherries, grapes and bananas. Then enjoy the sweetness and juiciness that nature has designed for you and this one time eat until you are full.
Reply:I just read an article on this, and they say to eat like a square of a hershey's dark chocolate bar, and that should take care of everything, and its such a small portions, it could be good for ya! I hate dark chocolate, but my parents (who also have sweet teeth!) Have been buying and eating dark chocolate after dinner, almost everynight, and its working for them! There are tons of dark chocolate varieties, too, maybe some even taste good....:)

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