Monday, November 16, 2009

Raise your hand...sweet tooth addict.?

I haven't gotten in nearly as much credit trouble as soom out there, but I do spend more than I should...on little things. It's that 10% that will kill you. I buy snacks at work, McDonalds on the way home (nothing I can't pay in one month, but more than I should pay).

I am trying to kick this habit, but with all the stress I have at work (I would not be suprised if I was fired tomorrow for instance), I find fast-food as my calm-down stress reliever.

Any ideas to help me kick this bad habit that has led to dental bills and could lead to diabetes if I let it continue at this rate. I am not a chronic impluse-buyer but it is still there and I want to kick it so I can save more.

So, raise your hand if you're in the same bind.

Raise your hand...sweet tooth addict.?
You should really read this article.....
Reply:Been there. Got out!
Reply:The money you're spending on your sweet tooth will be the least of you're worries if you're using food to sooth your anxiety. Take the money you're spending at McD's and try a behavioral therapist or even something like weight watchers. If you don't need it yet, you're well on your way.
Reply:Stress is terrible on your body. But since you know it is stress that triggers the purchases, can you try substituting something else instead of eating? I KNOW it is difficult, but try taking a few deep breaths, exercising or meditation. Something that will give you just a minute or two to get a handle on why you are doing what you're doing. Think about how you feel after you have eaten or when you receive the credit card bill. Maybe create a wish list of things you would like to get for yourself. Before you stop at McDonald's take a moment to remember something on the list that you could get for yourself if you just skip McDonald's this once.

Hang in there! I think I'll go eat an apple, because I hear my Hershey's kisses calling my name!
Reply:Stop at the gym on the way home instead of stopping for fast food. Working out for 30 mins 3-5 days a week will calm your stress and help you get some sleep. Go to the grocery store and buy's naturally sweet and gets you out of the office. If you really want get rid of the stress...look for a new job!
Reply:i totally understand about the sweet things. especially since they come so cheap. a couple of things

go to the dollar store and buy a bunch of things. then when you've spent the money thats it. you cant spend anymore no matter how much you want to.

another option that you have is to not carry a lot of money with you and/or credit cards. for example if you only carry $40 and then maybe a credit card or two you're not going to have the money to spend even if you wanted to. also budget things out and put it in envelopes. put a candy budget envelope so you dont feel guilty about spending the money but you can still spend it without getting further into debt.

good luck and lemme know how it goes!

fabric boot

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