Monday, November 16, 2009

Who has a sweet tooth for candy....?

my favorit candy is white choc. and peanutbutter.

Who has a sweet tooth for candy....?
I am 27 weeks pregnant and I am lovin the sweets. ALL THE TIME! I actually went a little nuts and bought a giant pack of full-size bars of 3 musketeers, Milky Way, Snickers, and Twix. All my faves in 1 box. My husband thinks I am nuts, but I have had a sweet tooth for as long as I can remember. Started in the womb, I think.
Reply:is that supposed to be funny? im confused!

anyways i LOVE candy and especially chocolate (what a typical girl thing, sigh) love white chocolate (y r hershey hugs better than kisses??) peanut butter candy is tasty most of the time. im always getting cravings for gummy candy. i was gonna buy a giant lollipop at a carnival but my parents wouldn't let me :( , you know the big colourful (yes im canadian) ones. in any case yay sugar (but i really should stop...)
Reply:i love jolly ranchers especially the blue ones
Reply:me, im a two legged sweet tooth!!!!! two of my favorite candies are fruit splosions and swedish fish,however ill eat anything sweet which is a no no for me cuz it sends my tryglyceride levels through the roof and my doctor has a fit.
Reply:OMG...I am such a candyholic. I love white chocolate but my favorite candy is plain M%26amp;Ms. I am such an addict I'm surprised my butt isn't as wide as a tanker
Reply:I do , and the problem is that I'm a diabetic person.

My favorite sweets are mints and hard candy.
Reply:me too white choc.
Reply:ooo! snickers and reeses peanutbutter cups!!!!!

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