Friday, May 21, 2010

Is it normal for 1 tooth to be sensitive to cold and sweet foods after you get your braces takes off?

It is possible that a bit of the enamel was removed when the the brackets were snapped off. This happened to my husband and the orthodontist put some bonding material (white filling) over it. Since they are now off you should have a full cleaning, exam and xrays to make sure that there is no decay (cavitites), no left over cement, build up (tartar, stain, plaque) that is preventing your gums from being their best. Usually the gums will be swollen while the braces are on and shrink back to a normal healthy size once they are off and the teeth are clean. Let your dentist / hygienist check everything out.

Hope that helps and wear your retainer

JAMRDH -a dental hygienist

Is it normal for 1 tooth to be sensitive to cold and sweet foods after you get your braces takes off?
You might have a cavity within that tooth somewhere.
Reply:Sounds like decay. It is easier to get decay when you have braces, because the braces make brushing more difficult.

Schedule an appointment to see your dentist.

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