Thursday, November 12, 2009

Do you have a sweet tooth?

Why is it that girls are more likely to have a sweeter tooth than boys?

Or is this a load of rubbish?

Do you have a sweet tooth?
I'm eating some chocolate eclairs as I type this.
Reply:i have a sweet tooth
Reply:i do like sweet things(like cheese cake...ohhh yum) but i much prefer savoury stuff!!!
Reply:I did have, but it fell out.
Reply:YES, i have a VERY sweet tooth, too sweet in fact...
Reply:Oh yes I've got a sweet tooth!! can't resist some chocolate every once in a while. I never knew that is that really true that girls have a sweeter tooth that guys? kewl!!

Good question,

Thanks for sharing it with us
Reply:its probably a load of rubbish you either have a sweet tooth or you don't it doesnt make any difference if your male or female
Reply:I have sucha bad tooth that I had to get something done at the back of my mouth by my dentist LOOOL He said my tooth was going bad 'cause of my bad chocolate habits hahaha
Reply:I am female and i don't like sweet things very much.I don't have sugar in my tea or coffee either.I am more of a savoury girl.

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